Dogs for Movies and Filming

Movies, Commercials and Television

Dog services for those in the film industry, are very limited, even if your in Los Angeles, CA or Hollywood, California or even New York, NY. Across the country, there is a shortage of movie / film dogs or dogs that are appropriate for the movie and television industry. Our trainers are capable of offering such movie or film dogs and can provide your firm with the dog your needing to complete your on screen project. We are able to provide most any type of dog for your movie on television commercial … as well as provide a trained canine to fulfill your needs of a movie dog or a TV commercial. We know, that it not only takes a special dog to do this type of work … but it also takes a professional trainer and handler.


Available Types of Film Trained Canines

  • Companion
  • Action
  • Stunt
  • Tricks
  • Aggression
  • Police
  • Security
  • Dramatics
  • Any specialized requests, needed to complete your filming.



Movie and Film Dogs

  • Action Dogs – Police, Firefighting, Explosives, Tracking, Search and Rescue, Military, etc.
  • Drama Dogs – Swimming, Man’s Best Friend, Therapy, Playing Dead or Injured, etc.
  • Tricks – Window Jumping, Ladder Climbing, Refrigerator Retrieval, Newspaper Retrieval, etc.
  • Extras – Dog stars as an extra in film, barking dog, running, jumping, etc.



All movie / film dogs trained by Dayton Dog Trainer will be of sound mind. Our movie / film dogs are stable minded and are trained to conduct the specialized needs, for filming purposes only. At no time, are our movie / film dogs, or any dog we work with, abused, mistreated or in any danger of being hurt. We conduct these types of services under the assumption that animal welfare regulators are on hand to monitor all filming sequences.

We are able to offer our handler services as well as provide movie / film dogs for movies or television, anywhere in the world. If you are in need of a dog for one of your films or movies, please contact us for more information. On and off scene handlers are available throughout the filming process. All size films are considered, including college projects, commercials, ads, movies and more.

Once Dayton Dog Trainer knows what the project is that your needing a dog for … we will be able to locate the perfect dog for you, implement the specific training your needing, for the role in which your shooting. We do not have a bunch of trained movie dogs sitting around waiting for your call. Instead … with a bit of advanced notice, we will be able to locate the breed your seeking for your movie, filming or commercial project and train it to perform the actions in which you need it to perform. This can take a matter of hours up to a couple days to train the dog for the role.

As stated above … any size budget is considered. Remember … depending on your filming requirements, Dayton Dog Trainer will have travel expenses, daily food allowances, lodging and dog transportation costs that will be charged to the client. We do not charge any extra for these basic needs. Your firm is welcome to put together all needed transportation, travel expenses, lodging and daily food allowances, as long as it is reasonable and safe for both handler and dog(s). Dayton Dog Trainer can also perform all checks of costs that will be incurred during your need for our services and submit it to your firm for approval.

Along with movie / film dogs, Dayton Dog Trainer also offers private dog training to the stars or those in the movie, film and acting industry. These would be private, one on one dog training lessons with the owner or an assistant to the owner, if you choose so. All of our trainers are able to successfully pass an FBI or federal criminal background check. Contact us today, to inquire about a dog trainer for celebrities or high profile persons.

All Pricing Quotes include travel, lodging, care and other associated expenses. Our services are available for both national and international filming locations.