Obedience Training

Real Training for the Real World

We are not PetsMart® dog training company, instead, we offer real In-Home Basic Dog Obedience Training, which is One on One Basic Obedience Dog Training. Our dog obedience takes place in home, because that’s where your dog has issues.

We are more than …

  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Down
  • Walking on a Leash


How is any of that going to come in handy, when your dog is chewing up your couch? What about when your dog is jumping all over your guests or getting into the trash? Instead, what we offer is real training. Our basic obedience does give you the above commands, but it also provides training for real world issues. Our basic dog obedience covers all the leash work as well as house manners. We fix those every day issues that drive you nuts. Not only do we train your dog, but we train you with our dog obedience courses! Contact us today to get started!

Basic Dog Obedience is the implementation of commands, that you want your dog to follow. We believe the dog should react to your command the first time it is given … and within the first 1 to 2 seconds of that given command. If you have to repeat yourself with the same command over and over … then your dog has not been properly trained. Being that dog training is 90% psychological … the goal is to train our canine companion to respect us and our authority … not fear us! Anyone can make a dog fear them … but we, at Dayton Dog Trainer, would rather them respect us and love us. We build confidence … not take it.

What most “trainers” consider advanced obedience … we consider basic obedience. Most consider the basics to be walking on a leash, sit, stay, down and heal.


Our Basic Dog Obedience consists of:

  • Walking on Leash
  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Down
  • Excessive Barking
  • Bombarding Guests at the Door
  • Excessive Jumping
  • Digging Holes in your Yard
  • Getting into the Garbage
  • Getting on your Furniture
  • Snatching Food out of yours or your Child’s Hands
  • Begging for Food
  • Setting Boundaries in the Home – As far as keeping them out of the Kitchen during meals, Staying out of certain Rooms, etc.
  • Getting in and out of Vehicles
  • Fence Fighting
  • And anything else you would like to work on inside the Home!

What is Basic Obedience?

More than Sit, Stay, Down and Walking on a Leash

Basic Dog Obedience is the implementation of commands, that you want your dog to follow. We believe the dog should react to your command the first time it is given … and within the first 1 to 2 seconds of that given command. If you have to repeat yourself with the same command over and over … then your dog has not been properly trained. Being that dog training is 90% psychological … the goal is to train our canine companion to respect us and our authority … not fear us! Anyone can make a dog fear them … but we, at Dayton Dog Trainer, would rather them respect us and love us. We build confidence … not take it.

What most “trainers” consider advanced obedience … we consider basic obedience. Most consider the basics to be walking on a leash, sit, stay, down and heal.


Our Basic Dog Obedience consists of:

  • Walking on Leash
  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Down
  • Excessive Barking
  • Bombarding Guests at the Door
  • Excessive Jumping
  • Digging Holes in your Yard
  • Getting into the Garbage
  • Getting on your Furniture
  • Snatching Food out of yours or your Child’s Hands
  • Begging for Food
  • Setting Boundaries in the Home – As far as keeping them out of the Kitchen during meals, Staying out of certain Rooms, etc.
  • Getting in and out of Vehicles
  • Fence Fighting
  • And anything else you would like to work on inside the Home!


All of these issues are very simple to fix and are offered in our basic obedience courses. We provide instant, real result for these issues. But we don’t just train your dog … Remember, it does no good for us to train your dog, if you, as the owner/handler are not trained as well. That also works in your favor, so that when our basic obedience course is complete … you understand Dog! What we mean by this is … when we have completed our basic obedience … you have the tools and knowledge to continue on with more advanced obedience, on your own, because you will understand why the dog does what it does, what he/she is thinking, how to read their body language and what it means.

Also … we realize most people have to work and can’t live their life around their dog … or at least the basic obedience training regimen that needs to be implemented.

Because our basic obedience dog training is real dog training, that provides instant and real result … we will have your dog trained in hours … not months, and all basic obedience dog training is conducted in home. A lot of people don’t understand how we can have your dog doing everything you need it to do in such a short period of time. But we aren’t going to make you sit here and read for hours on how we can do just that … Seeing is Believing! Anyone can talk a good game over the phone … that is why we demonstrate our training in your home, before you ever sign up for basic obedience. We are confident, that once you witness just how easy it is, to get results from your dog … you will retain our basic obedience dog training services.


Inexperienced Dog Trainers

There are a few good dog training companies in the area, but most of those only offer group type training at their location. More importantly, there are trainers that have never been through any real training themselves. They even go as far to call themselves “dog aggression rehabilitation specialists”, but aren’t even old enough to be a specialist in anything, let alone dog aggression. They believe that because they own a bully breed type dog, it makes them a bully breed specialist … when in fact, they haven’t ever been through any formal training … unless you call working at Petsmart for a couple weeks, formal training.

What could happen with these so called trainers calling themselves bully breed rehabilitation specialist is … they can possibly get hurt trying to work with your dog, without the skills needed to do so, which could leave you open to a lawsuit or, they could cause more damage to your dog. They expect you to believe that this is some sort of On Point Dog Training.

They also believe that they can talk a good game by using another, more experienced trainers words or even use a few tactics they may have seen from that more experienced trainer … and as long as those couple of tactics and words look good and sound good, they think you will fall for the idea that they actually know what they are doing. When in fact, that’s all they know … a couple good words and a couple small, very basic training tactics they once saw.


“The Thunder Shirt”

Have you seen this? It slices, it dices, it quiets fireworks for your dog … it saved my dog’s life … it takes your out of control dog in the process of ripping apart your bed, and instantly makes him so very docile”

Really? … Really? Please don’t believe the hype from all those goofy infomercials. There is no magic bullet to fix your dog. But I do have to say … I do get a good laugh out of the commercial, from time to time. If you believe in something like this … I have a collar with a remote control … and it has an “off” button, that will shut your dog off, so you can put him on a shelf and turn him on later … I’ll sell it to you.


Trainers who ask you to bring your dog to them, as opposed to coming to your home

Training should always be done in your home, unless a training course is provided to you as the owner and handler … and your dog also undergoes a bit of training in your home, once it has been trained elsewhere . This is where the issues are, this is where your dog is most comfortable. Just like a person, if you take your dog out of the place he or she is most comfortable, then of course they will act completely different, which won’t allow for a true, honest evaluation. Don’t get me wrong … training can be done in the trainer’s facility … but you need also, to have some of the training completed in your home. We do offer group classes … but only if we are sure to conduct some of the training in the home. Only after your dog has mastered the leash, should you be part of any group classes at a facility.<


Month Long Contracts

It should only take a few hours to completely train your dog. If it takes longer than that, then the person calling themselves a trainer, is truly unable to communicate with your dog. If a “trainer” offers any type of monthly or weekly training classes, then it would be evident to me, that this person calling themselves a trainer, cannot truly communicate with any dog. True communication, comes with instant result.



In our opinion … this method is completely … ridiculous, and only provides a temporary result. Let me ask you this … If you have a pack of dogs and the Alpha sees that one of his pack members has done something, to please the pack or the alpha … does that alpha click a clicker to let his pack know, they are doing well? Now some “trainers” will argue this. And yes … there are dogs that have successfully been trained with a clicker … but this is not what a dog understands … and remember … if you do something long enough … they will eventually get it … but in reality … you could bang your head against a wall over and over, and the dog could react to that just as well. This method is used and “sometimes” works for the simple fact, that dog’s are masters of association.


Food Training

Stay away from food while training … This is only a way to bribe your dog, rather than truly communicate with them, to get the results you are wanting. Also … Let’s say there is a pack of dog’s that are living without humans and the alpha of that pack sees that one of his pack members is doing something good, does he turn and flip the pack member a hotdog or biscuit? This is not the way a dogs thinks …so to them … it is only a free treat. “Trainers” like to use the fact that dogs are masters of association, to convey to them that they will receive a treat if they do something good. But what happens when your have no treat around? Your dog still may listen … and he may not! This is probably a goofy way of explaining, but you get the point.


Pricing Over the Phone

If a “trainer” prices your training over the phone, then they plan on putting your dog through a course designed for every dog … and not every dog is the same. Each dog has different needs and issues … And how does the trainer know what your dog needs without even seeing them or evaluating them?


Trainer who don’t Demo their Training

If a “trainer” is not willing to demo their training for you, before you sign up and can’t show instant results … then ask yourself if this person is a real trainer. Most good trainers will at least offer to demo their training, so that you can see if their training works or not … or if it is the right thing for your dog. If they are confident in their training, they should allow you to see a bit of instruction.



We don’t know everything, or have all the answers to every situation … but this is common sense stuff, that you should look for. We do consider ourselves to be great trainers … but we are also sure, that there are many other great trainers out there, that know what they are doing. But we refuse to take your money and not give you what you paid for. You work hard for your money, so you should always get what your paying for. Be very cautious when hiring a dog trainer. There are a lot of people who wake up and decide they need to make some extra money, so they put ads up saying they can train dogs … and many have no formal training and are only attempting to train, because they seen some guy on TV, make it look easy.

If you wish to have your dog trained in English or German, we can accommodate these needs. We can also advise on nutritional needs and exercise.

If you are curious to how Dayton Dog Trainer conducts our training, then this would be a good example. Mr. Millan wrote a book called Cesar’s Way. Although a great read, we don’t see this type of training as Cesars’ way. We have been training this way and others have been training this way long before the dog whisperer series started airing on television. It is the only real way of training in our opinion. It uses a psychological approach to dog training, rather a physical approach.